25 Cool Small Tattoos Placement Ideas

Whether you’re deciding on your first or your fifth tattoo you may still be pondering its placement. There are many things to consider before getting a tattoo, and understanding where your design will look best will make that decision all the easier. Take a look at the following suggestions and you’ll be certain to make a positive permanent mark.

Tattoo placement is important because the right spot will make your tattoo look its absolute best while also enhancing your physique in the most attractive way. For example, a tattoo with curvature and movement such as a large Koi fish might look most suitable on a large prominent area of your body such as the legs, arm, or side of the thighs, whereas a smaller tattoo will be lost on such a vast space. The scale of your design should be the first consideration when placing your tattoo.Here are our 25 Cool Small Tattoos Placement Ideas.Enjoy and get inspired!!!

Small Tattoos Placement Ideas


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small tattoos placement ideas

