20 Small Wave Tattoos Designs And Ideas

Formed by gravity and surface tension, water waves can be terrifying, fun, awe-inspiring, and even therapeutic. Whether you’re running out to sea, surfboard in tow, or just enjoying a romantic walk on the beach while the waves peacefully break in the background, waves are without a doubt one of nature’s most alluring creations.

The first wave tattoos likely originated in pacific islander cultures most notably the Maori and Samoan tribes. Simple single line designs and reoccurring minimalistic wave patterns were common place way back when and still remain so to this day. Over the years, as body art and technology has evolved, these simple patterns have morphed into more elaborate and intricate works of art. With the resources tattooists have available to them today, if it can be imagined, it can be inked.Here are our 20 Small Wave Tattoos Designs And Ideas.Enjoy and get inspired!!!

Small Wave Tattoos Ideas

A Wave tattoos

blue wave tattoos


Heartbeat and wave tattoo _ Tattoo's

ideas of wave tattoos

japanese wave inspired tattoos

My new little wave toe ring tattoo

small tattoos wave ideas

small tattoos wave

small wave tattoos ideas

small wave tattoos

sound wave tattoos

Wave _ Tattoo _

wave tattoo _

wave tattoo small

wave tattoos

Wave wrist tattoo _ Tattoos





